###### cheetsheet
# Input List: BAM BED GCF VDF # SUBCMD List annotate bamtobed bamtofastq bedtobam bedpetobam bed12tobed6 closest cluster complement coverage flank genomecov getfasta groupby intersect jaccard makewindows map maskfasta merge multicov nuc random reldist shift shuffle slop sort substract unionbedg window # Common flags: -s: same strandedness -S: opposite starandedness -f: minimum overlap required as a fraction of A -F: minimum overlap required as a fraction of B -r: minimum overlap to be satisfied for A AND B -e: minimum overlap to be satisfied for A OR B -split: treat "split" BAM or BED12 entries as distinct BED intervals -abam: A is a BAM file # General: bedtools flank [OPT] -i-g [-b or (-l and -r)] bedtools slop [OPT] -i -g [-b or (-l and -r)] bedtools shift [OPT] -i -g [-s or (-m and -p)] bedtools subtract [OPT] -a -b bedtools complement -i -g bedtools closest [OPT] -a -b bedtools intersect [OPT] -a -b bedtools window [OPT] [-a|-abam] -b bedtools cluster [OPT] -i bedtools merge [OPT] -i bedtools map [OPT] -a -b bedtools groupby [OPT] -i -g -c -o # Formatting: bedtools getfasta [OPT] -fi -bed bedtools maskfasta [OPT] -fi -bed -fo bedtools sort [OPT] -i bedtools bed12tobed6 bedtools bamtofastq bedtools bamtobed bedtools bedpetobam bedtools bedtobam # Statistics: bedtools jaccard [OPT] -a -b bedtools random [OPT] -g bedtools reldist [OPT] -a -b bedtools shuffle [OPT] -i -g bedtools makewindows [OPT] [-g |-b ] [-w |-n ] bedtools nuc # Coverage: bedtools annotate [OPT] -i -files FILES bedtools coverage [OPT] -a -b bedtools genomecov bedtools multicov bedtools unionbedg ############### USAGE: bedtools intersect [OPT] -a A -b Bs INPUT: A|Bs|stdin|- OPT: -a OPT: -b OPT: -ubam OPT: -bed OPT: -wa OPT: -wb OPT: -loj OPT: -wo OPT: -wao OPT: -u OPT: -c OPT: -C OPT: -v OPT: -sorted OPT: -g OPT: -header OPT: -names OPT: -filenames OPT: -sortout OPT: -nobuf OPT: -iobuf OPT: -abam OPT: -f OPT: -F OPT: -r OPT: -e OPT: -s OPT: -S OPT: -split bedtools intersect -a A -b B bedtools intersect -a A -b B -loj bedtools intersect -a A -b B -wa bedtools intersect -a A -b B -wa -wb bedtools intersect -a A -b B -wo bedtools intersect -a A -b B -u bedtools intersect -a A -b B -c bedtools intersect -a A -b B -v bedtools intersect -a A -b B -f 0.5 bedtools intersect -a A -b B1 B2 B3 -wa -wb bedtools intersect -a A -b B1 B2 B3 -wa -wb -names l1 l2 l3 bedtools intersect -a A -b B1 B2 B3 -wa -wb -filenames ############### USAGE: bedtools window [OPT] -a|-abam A -b B INPUT: A|B|stdin|- OPT: -ubam OPT: -bed OPT: -w OPT: -l OPT: -r OPT: -sw OPT: -u OPT: -c OPT: -v OPT: -header OPT: -abam OPT: -sm OPT: -Sm bedtools window -a A -b B -w bedtools window -a A -b B -l -r bedtools window -a A -b B -l -r -sw bedtools window -a A -b B -w -sm bedtools window -a A -b B -w -Sm ################# USAGE: bedtools merge [OPT] -i OPT: -s OPT: -S <+|-> OPT: -d OPT: -header OPT: -delim OPT: -c OPT: -o OPT: -o bedtools merge -i A bedtools merge -i A -d bedtools merge -i A -s bedtools merge -i A -S + bedtools merge -i A -c 1 -o count bedtools merge -i A -c 4 -o collapse bedtools merge -i A -c 4 -o collapse -delim "|" bedtools merge -i A -c 6 -o distinct